Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Given the heinous 14% win rate today, only hit -65% of daily loss allowance

Due to my best trade management to date, i was able to take a terrible day win rate wise and chalk it up to success as i cut my losers quick and let my 1 winner run.  Now i learned some great lessons from the trading today such as REVERSE THE TRADE WHEN WRONG ON A SUPPORT LOSS SHORT WHEN IT MAKES IT BACK UP OVER SUPPORT and REVERSE THE TRADE WHEN TRYING A BREAKOUT FAIL AND THE BREAKOUT WORKS.  Here are some of the trades:

FCX - shorted the rel weakness but market pulled it up

SINA - short attempt that failed so switched to long and got stopped again

POT - Lesson on shorting resistance that turns to breakout

GMCR - short that i was watching and missed

FSLR - Amazing long setup

GS - shorted with right idea, wrong timing

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